Patient Consent

Patient Data Sharing Consent authorises Outcomes Manager to extract patient identifiable data for trusted organisations.

This produces aggregated data on a dashboard that can be drilled down to show patient details. A practice must opt in for this to occur.

There are three options available:

  • Do not allow patient identifiable data to be shared (default)
  • Allow patient identifiable data to be shared to any organisation
    Shares data with any organisations your practice has a relationship with.
  • Allow patient identifiable data to be shared to the selected organisations/extracts
    Choose which organisations/extracts you want to share patient identifiable data with.
Important - Regardless of the option selected if a patient's record states they have opted out of record sharing their demographic information is not exported.

Opt out of Sharing Data

To disable data sharing:

  1. From the Home screen select the Administration tile.
  2. From the Administration menu expand Service Management.
  3. Select Patient Data Sharing Consent.
    The Patient Data Sharing Consent options display.
  4. Select the Do not allow patient identifiable data to be shared check box.

  5. Select Save from the toolbar.
    An alert displays 'Please confirm that you do not allow patient data to be shared? All existing patient data will be removed.'

  6. Select Yes to confirm or No to cancel.

Enable Sharing of Data

To enable data sharing with organisations you have a relationship with:

  1. From the Home screen select the Administration tile.
  2. From the Administration menu expand Service Management.
  3. Select Patient Data Sharing Consent.
    The Patient Data Sharing Consent options display.
  4. Select the Allow patient identifiable data to be shared to any organisation check box.

  5. Select Save Consent from the toolbar.
    An alert displays 'Please confirm that you wish to allow patient data to be shared to any extract that requires it?'.

  6. Select Yes to confirm or No to cancel.

Sharing Patient Identifiable Data with Selected Organisations/Extracts

To manage which Organisations or Extracts you want to share patient identifiable data with, for example, choose to share data for a specific pathway rather than all pathways for an organisation:

  1. From the Home screen select the Administration tile.
  2. From the Administration menu expand Service Management.
  3. Select Patient Data Sharing Consent.
    The Patient Data Sharing Consent options display.
  4. Select the Allow patient identifiable data to be shared to the selected organisations/extracts check box.
    The list of Organisations and Extracts displays.
  5. Optionally, to view more information about an extract, select View Data Sharing Agreement.
  6. To share data for all the extracts belonging to a specific organisation select the check box next to the organisation's name.

    Note - If you select an organisation, you are automatically sharing data for any future extracts.
    See - Patient Extracts.
  7. Alternatively, to share data relating to specific extracts only, select the check box next to the extract.
  8. To remove consent, clear the check box next to the relevant Organisation/Extract.
  9. Review your choices, then select Save Consent from the upper left of the screen.
    A notification 'Please confirm that you are allowing patient data to be shared to the following organisations/extracts and agree with the associated data agreements' displays.

  10. Select Yes to proceed or No to cancel changes.
Important - Once you have given consent to share Patient Identifiable Data, this only applies to extracts taken after consent.  It is not retrospectively applied to any historical extracts.